
How To Add Drop Shadow In Squarespace Blog Image

How To Add Drop Shadow Effect In Canva In One Click

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

How To Add Drop Shadow Effect In Canva In One Click

Are you looking to make your Canva images pop off the page? But, you want to do it in one click?

You love creating beautiful images for your website. Right?!  I know!  It is super-fun!

But what is not super-fun is all of the repetitive technical steps you need to do with each image or blog design graphic to create a realistic and dimensional shadow effect that will make your images "stand out in the crowd".

"Standing out in the crowd" is tough to do in the wide expanse of the internet ocean.  Every image you have on your website needs to literally pop off the page to capture attention.

Adding a shadow effect, also known as a drop shadow, gives you that "pop off the page" look you are wanting to make your images literally "stand out in the crowd."

But, those additional technical steps to add a shadow effect to create drop shadow images are time-consuming and repetitive.  And, more importantly, they keep you from spending more time on actually creating new and valuable content for your audience.

Tell me… Does this sound familiar?

I wish I had an easy resource that would …

  • Compress most of the repetitive technical tasks involved in creating a shadow effect for my images into a simple add-in feature

  • Support me so I could spend more of my time creating new content rather than spending so much of my time on repetitive tasks

  • Provide me a high-quality, beautiful and effective outcome that still looks like I customized every detail


• Use drop shadow effect templates that are customized to standard image shapes to add a realistic drop shadow effect transforming your flat image to a dimensional image that pops off the page



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Why Canva?

Canva is an online design platform to support you in creating blog design graphic images, PDFs, icons and much more for your website.

When I first started T.I.M.E, I was overwhelmed with everything I needed to learn to open my new website. Canva was a great fit for me to get me up and running quickly with creating my own blog design graphic images and website graphic designs.

I love working in Canva! It is relatively simple to learn to use and packs a powerful punch to support you in creating gorgeous images, designs, PDFs, icons and more.

And, even now, Canva graphics continue to provide all the features I need.  As I have grown, so has Canva!

There is a free plan, which is definitely where I started originally.

However, I highly recommend using the Canva Pro plan. If you are a blogger, online entrepreneur, supporting a website or simply creating loads of images for social media… Canva Pro is the way to go!

The monthly cost of the Canva Pro plan is very reasonable and "ups your game" by 1000% of what is available to you in the free plan.

Plus, there is a free 30 day trial to check it out to see if it is a good fit for you.

When I tried the free 30 day trial… I knew in 30 minutes that the upgrade to Canva Pro was a no-brainer!

I use Canva Pro to create all of my blog design graphic images and website graphics in T.I.M.E., my social media posts and my digital products.

What is a drop shadow effect?

  • Shadow effects (also known as a drop shadow) are visual elements that are added to your design to do exactly what it says… give a shadow background to the image. The shadow effect creates a dimensional effect making the image appear to be raised above the background/objects behind it.

  • Here are two examples of images… One image without any shadow effects and the other image with shadow effects. As you can see, adding the shadow effects in the second image transforms a flat image into an image that really pops off the page beautifully and realistically.

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

What is a shadow effect and how should it be used?

How do you use drop shadow? How do you use shadow effects?

Book & PDF Mockups:

Mockups are used to create promotional images of a book, PDF or digital product. They include the cover page and could also include various interior content pages that you wish to highlight or feature for the viewer.

Using a shadow effect (or a drop shadow) can give an added dimension to the images and communicate the book's, PDF's or digital product's "weight".

For instance, it suggests a multi-paged book, PDF or digital product of significant value.

In the example below… You can see that the mockup suggests many pages are included within this digital product. With the shadow effects added to each of those pages, it suggests that many more pages are present as well within your product, assuring your customer they are purchasing or opting in for a product with significant value.

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

Visual Marketing:

Adding a shadow effect can make your icons or images look "clickable". When you see a "raised" image, it organically communicates to your audience that it might be a "button" or a "clickable" image.

T.I.M.E. TIP ✨😎✨

If you want your "raised" images to support "clickable" action by your audience on your website, ensure that all (or most) of your shadowed images are clickable and lead the viewer to further information.

Your audience will learn to expect to learn more when they "click" on your shadowed images… Practice makes perfect!

As you can see in the example below… The circled arrow icon has an additional shadow effect, which transforms the icon to look like a "clickable" button and encourages your audience to take action… and click the button!

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

Image Shadowing:

Shadow effects add dimension and can make your image and products look "real".

In the image below… With the added shadow effects, the image now looks like a real piece of art hanging on the wall of an art gallery with the focus completely on the image or product.

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

Adding Contrast Between Images and Backgrounds:

If your image is the same color or similar in color to your background, a shadow effect can distinguish your image in a minimalist way by adding a subtle distinction between your image and background.

In the example below… The white circle is distinguished from the white background by adding contrast with a shadow effect.

Simple, beautiful, elegant!

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

Transforming A Flat Image Into An Image That Pops Off the Page:

With shadow effects, your images will literally "stand out" amongst the crowd, as they appear to become three-dimensional and pop off the page.

It is amazing how effective the added shadow effect in the middle image below makes the second image "float" above the other images and pops off the page.

Although all three images are the same, the middle image with the shadow effect definitely stands out in the crowd!

HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…

How do I add a shadow effect?

How do you make a shadow effect in Canva?

When I began working with Canva, I researched ways to add Canva drop shadow effects …

Suggestions I found included:

  • Make a copy of your image.

  • Adjust the saturation, blur & transparency settings on the copy.

  • Move the copy behind your original image and adjust the position.

  • Continue to adjust saturation, blur & transparency settings.

  • Download the copy as a png file.

  • Upload the new png file back into Canva, add back into your design and adjust the saturation, blur & transparency settings again.

  • Move to the back, adjust position and offset the copy to the shadow angle you wish.

And, yes… This does create a Canva shadow effect.

But, honestly… I was not really happy with how it looked.

Here's why…

I like a crisp edge of shadow for text.  But, in my opinion, it is too crisp on the edges for images and the intensity of the shadow was not what I was looking for with images.

Not to mention, it was labor intensive to adjust the additional settings to get the image shadow effect quality I wanted… and create this effect over and over again with each "add drop shadow to image" task.

So, I asked myself…

Can you do a drop shadow in Canva?

How to add shadow in Canva quickly and easily… And add shadow in Canva that delivers a high-quality look?

I need a Canva tool resource to add drop shadow in Canva that…

  • Has templates already in the image sizes or perspectives I frequently use

    • So, I can add shadow effect to image with one click.

  • Has a rich intensity in color

    • So, I have a deeper range of transparency options that maintain the degrees of color intensity without revealing distracting details of the original image within the shadow.

  • Has a true fading blur in the edges of the shadow

    • So, I have a realistic fade rather than a crisp line along the edges of the shadow.

  • And, most importantly… Adds a Canva drop shadow effect in one click!

    • So, I can spend more of my time creating the design's content rather than spending my time on the repetitive task of creating shadows… over and over and over again.

So, I created the Shadow Effects Collection with templates in the perspectives frequently used:

  • Letter Size

  • Book Cover

  • Square

  • Rounded Square

  • Rectangle (2:3)

  • Rounded Rectangle (2:3)

  • Circle

And now… I add a perfect image Canva drop shadow effect in one click!… And "add drop shadow Canva" is now one of my easiest tasks in my day!

With the Shadow Effects Collection templates, my Canva drop shadow image design is finished in three steps…

1.    Select a template in the perspective matching your design and add to your design with one click.

2.    Adjust the size and transparency.

3.    Select the positioning and move the shadow to the back.

That's it… Easy-peasy!

Sometimes, I do use a combination of the Shadow Effects Collection blog design templates to create the look I want. But, with the templates, I still complete my design in a snap!

It is one of the blogging tools I truly use every single day…

Ready to get started? You can find the Shadow Effects Collection in my Shop…

Click the button or image below!

SHADOW EFFECTS COLLECTION // HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shad…

How to install and use the Shadow Effects Collection…


STEP 1:  Purchase and download the Shadow Effects Collection

STEP 2:  Upload the templates to your Canva account

STEP 3:  Create a Canva Photo Folder titled "Shadow Effects"

STEP 4:  Add your templates to your folder… and start designing!


STEP 1:  Select a template that fits the perspective of your image and add shadow to image in your design with one click

STEP 2:  Adjust the size and transparency

STEP 3:  Select the positioning and move the shadow to the back… and you're done!

Connection Clues - Connecting the life you would love to the life you are living | This Is My Everybody - Blogging Tips | Denise Wilbanks

The Shadow Effects Collection is a resource of blogging templates that can support you in connecting the life you would love to the life you are living.


  • Compressing multiple repetitive tasks into a simple add-in feature

  • Making room for you to spend more of your time creating new content rather than spending your time on repetitive tasks

  • Providing a high-quality, beautiful and effective outcome

Connection Clues:

Your time is a treasured commodity! What are other ways you could automate repetitive tasks… Or compress multiple repetitive tasks into a simpler process?

Connection Clues - Connecting the life you would love to the life you are living... | This Is My Everybody - Blogging Tips | Denise Wilbanks

Write down three ideas in your journal, calendar or digital notepad that you could try to transform repetitive tasks in your business into a simpler process.

Find solutions that maintain high-quality, style and effectiveness.  You will be surprised how simple the solution is when you find it!

And, remember…

"You don't have to trade off a simple, beautiful and meaningful outcome to gain an efficient solution."
— T.I.M.E.

What's Next?

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New to blogging?  Or a book blogger?  Or building your blog on Squarespace?  Or simply interested in learning more about blogging?  I will take you "Behind The Scenes" of This Is My Everybody with the inside scoop on new blogging ideas & blogging tools to continue to expand and monetize a blogging business.

See my best blogging tips, fave blogging resources, blogging templates and tutorials for starting and growing your blog. New to blogging? Or a book blogger? Or building your blog on Squarespace? Or simply interested in learning more about blogging? …

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HOW TO ADD DROP SHADOW EFFECT IN CANVA IN ONE CLICK // Learn how to add shadow to image with shadow background so your Canva graphics pop off the page! Using my Canva tool blog design templates to easily create drop shadow Canva shadow effects in on…


Hi! I'm Denise …

Welcome to This Is My Everybody (aka T.I.M.E. for short)!

Simple Living Tips for a life with less stuff & more of what matters most to you…

Home Decorating & Organization, Easy Recipes, Favorite Books, Fashion Fun, Beauty Tips and more… Living a simple life to make a beautiful & meaningful life…

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Welcome!… ✨😎✨

Let me give you a couple of tips of how to find the information you are looking for quickly within this post:

Connection Clues:  T.I.M.E. Blogging Tips are focused on connecting the life you would love to the life you are living… So, you may often see the Connection Clue icon in my posts.  These icons mark clues to connecting the life you would love to the life you are living by providing blogging tips with a simple, beautiful and meaningful approach.

Directory: You will find a Directory at the beginning of the post.  Click on any link to jump to the section you want to revisit anytime.

How To Add Drop Shadow In Squarespace Blog Image


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