
What Are The Two Main Forms Of Online Advertising?

Online Advertising

Online advertising is displayed in a variety of ways on the websites. Each type of advertising has its features, it is inserted differently and has a particular purpose.

These are some of the most commonly used types of online advertising:

1.- Banner Ads

Online Advertising

It is probably the most common and well- known type of advertising. The banners were the first to appear on the internet. This involves a box placed in a strategic place on the website, it has different size and shape, and it is useful to show ads from other companies or other websites.

The Bankoa Crédit Agricole banner is the representative example of banners. It involves a still image that does not include any movement. The banner shows a picture of sizable dimensions in this case highlighting especially the website content. Its objective is to communicate an idea, and interested customers click on it.

This type of banner is useful for those trade brands which are established in the market and are well-known by an audience significant portion. They do not need to draw much attention to reach out, since their logo presence may be enough to persuade users to buy their product.

Online Advertising

In a similar way, but with some particular difference, you can see one of the banners of the Skoda's digital marketing campaigns. The car brand also displays a banner with significant dimensions, in this case, a horizontal banner and not as squared as the Bankoa one. Its main feature is that it involves an interactive banner, displaying buttons and items smooth to touch and choose by the user.

In this specific example, there are two components, video, placed on the left part of the banner, and the button that says "Get Yours Now" on the right, which can be activated by the users. In the case of video, mainly is a simple way to provide more information to what has been displayed in the text, this way having another more option to persuade the public. For brands with striking and eye-catching products, it can be interesting, as in the case of automobile companies.Online Advertising

But trade brands not only opt for a banner type, but they can also display other forms, such as Skoda. We emphasize this double-banner example. The banner's left half is shown on the left side of the page, and the right side does the same on the right. This type of banner can be very interesting for websites with substantial content in the central part, and they prefer not to stain it with advertising.

Its particularity comes from the fact that this banner type moves when scrolling, so it is present at all times with the client while visiting the website. Its specificity comes from the fact that it is a type of banner which moves when scrolling, so it is always present while the client visits the website.

Online Advertising

The last banner example that we highlight is the one by k-turn. Being a small banner, in a square form, it has a little room to display the information, so you should choose well the data and show it as a burst mode. In this particular example, the banner is changing as if they were slides and displays the brand's different texts.

All the banner's slides redirect the user to the website or the trade brand's landing page, thus completing the process for which the banner was created.

2.- Email Marketing

It refers to the advertising form that can be more easily avoided by the user. Within online advertising, ads sent to the email may disappear in the spam mailbox, get lost or the user himself may decide to delete the message even without opening it.

This has forced many companies to refine the technique and stop sending ads, camouflaging their promotions and advertisements in daily and friendly messages that the user will not want to eliminate.

Online Advertising

A classic example of online advertising via email marketing is the one usually performed by Amazon. The online megastore is one who best knows the potential of a good email to sell its products.

They always take advantage the days designated as Black Friday to launch their products. This makes customers identify the days automatically to use the brand, this way the attention and interest level are already higher.

But, on the other hand, they also take advantage of the same message to launch what is known as targeted advertising. Among the featured offers, they start a products selection that may be of the buyer's interest. This is done through a customer's following-up, according to the previously purchased products and those on which the consumer has shown interest. It has proven to be one of the most effective ways for the consumer's appeal.

Online Advertising

A typical example of email marketing to publicize a product. Wix makes use of email marketing to launch a product and convey a sense of urgency to the client. By highlighting a range of relevant product information, the objective is to emphasize that this is the last opportunity to obtain that product.

The design is another one of the email's capabilities. Using striking colors and an outstanding design over other emails is a way to success quickly and draw the attention, the email marketing main objective. It must highlight among the enormous number of emails that customers receive.

Online Advertising

Following Wix's same line, but combining it with Amazon's idea, we have the conventional example, the one of NH Hoteles.With a sober design where 3 elements mainly stand out, it is about the use of an email, but well thought out and formulated.

It emphasizes the image, the primary element and that summarize the message. In this case, the picture is changing, that way the user receives more than one impact of the same message. The counter also highlights, which allows enhancing the sense of urgency further. And, finally, the button with the text "Hurry up," which serves to join the image and the counter.

3.- Pop Up

Online Advertising

Perhaps you've closed hundreds of pop up ads in your life. Within the online advertising, pop up is the most uncomfortable advertising form. Mostly if it is not done correctly. It is about a pop-up window that emerges when you open a website; it is primarily annoying because sometimes it is difficult to close them.

This type of advertising on computers is annoying but not as much as it happens on mobile devices, where due to the screen's size, the pop-up closure work turns out to be much more difficult.

WordPress is one of the brands that mostly decides to use pop-ups, this technique is excluded from many brands because they are bothersome. It is not pleasant to find advertising that suddenly emerges and that it hasn't been chosen by you. In this case, the type of pop-up advertisement requests the client's email to contact him/her further. It is about a more natural way to create databases and then introduce your products the market in a less invasive way.

Online Advertising

MDirector works on the same line as WordPress. In this case, it is not just about merely rolling out promotions, but it invites customers who visit its website to sign up for the newsletter, which will be useful to receive the relevant communications from the brand in due course.

4.- Blog Advertising

Online Advertising

Although blog advertising seems to be stuck, it continue being an essential part of online advertising. This is one of the indirect online advertising types. In fact, most of the blog advertising is created by using the storytelling technique, disguising it behind an experience, a reflection, etc.

Advertising through sponsored content is another way since many bloggers decide to publicize those products that companies offer them to promote.

An advertising method which is working increasingly better is the blogs storytelling one. These digital spaces have become the most popular in the market that is why it is not surprising that favorite brands and personalities exploit their potential to transmit their messages or promote their products.

The advertising method varies among blogs. Some of the blogs take advantage of other elements' potential such as infographics and videos to convey the message. Its objective is about making the elements' reading more fun, and the product placement becomes successful.

A good option for you, are the sponsored posts, where besides making link building, you will promote your brand. This is because the sponsored article will talk about your company and the services you make, perfect for users to know what you do.

To buy sponsored posts, we recommend you Coobis, a platform/marketplace where more than 5000 Spanish Blogs offer their sponsored posts services.

How to advertise with sponsored posts through the platform?

It is straightforward to sign up in the Coobis marketplace. Follow the steps that I will show you below:

Step 1

Go to their website and click where it Sign up as a Trade Brand as shown in the image below:

Online Advertising

Step 2

Now you must fill out the form on the screen's right side with the requested the information. When you finish doing this, click where it says I accept the use conditions and then click on Sign up.

Online Advertising

Step 3

You will get an email in your inbox, and when you get it, you have to confirm your registration. After doing this, you will be able to use Coobis.

Step 4

Choose the media that best fits your needs and to your budget and request to write and publish a post for you.

Online Advertising

5.- Mobile Advertising

Online Advertising

An increasing number of companies are choosing to adequate their ads to the fastest- growing medium.

At this time most of the mobile devices ads were simple ads adjustments on computers, but more and more are creating ads elaborated to be seen on a smaller screen, which is less intrusive than a typical ad or a pop-up.

Mobile advertising includes advertising and promotions received in SMS.

Banks such as Laboral Kutxa use SMS marketing to launch their online advertising. These are text messages sent to their customers to let them know about new products or applications that they are starting. In this case, we get to see how the bank wants its customers to understand and download the brand's mobile app.

Online Advertising

In the same way, Movistar uses SMS marketing for launching its products and news. This way we see how Movistar takes advantage of the links incorporation to promotions as well as the telephone number to which customers can consult.

To receive messages with links is a usual practice for mobile marketing customers, benefitting from the smartphones growth potential to mix text message and online connections.

6.- Social Networking Advertising

Online Advertising

As the number of social networks and users are increasing, more companies choose to put their advertising on these platforms.

Most social networks offer to publicize messages or content that companies themselves, or individual users, upload to it. This way, it is possible to advertise a post on Facebook, a tweet on Twitter or a snapshot on Instagram.

Promoted messages reach more people, position themselves higher and have more possibilities to get a successful result.

Facebook is the social network which accumulates most the online advertising. It's varied, and multiple ways of advertising allow brands to choose it as the primary advertising platform.

There is an advertising alternative that appears on the right side of the screen and summarizes several ads based on the customers' interests and topics. This shows a couple of ads with a picture, a headline, a link to the promoted brand and small text. This is something fast, visual and eye-catching that contrasts with Facebook's general performance.

Online Advertising

The second modality is the one that imitates the usual Facebook's publication. It's the most widely used modality since it allows to promote an already made announcement and better attract customers since by having a standard publication aspect, it can imitate to a regular publication and get to the client in a better way.

Online Advertising

Twitter also allows advertising to be posted. A weakness is that Twitter messages get lost quickly, it is a social network where data does not last as in Facebook. In this case, the advertising follows the Facebook's pattern, they promote posting made and take advantage of its posting look when they use it to get a better reach to customers.

7.- Video Advertising

Online Advertising

They include the ads inserted in YouTube videos, Dailymotion, Vimeo or Vine, possible or not to avoid, but which direction to the user before starting to play the video. But this online advertising form does not stay here since it also includes those banners or ads inserted in websites and which are in a video form. It is proven that videos manage to capture the attention of visitors better than an ordinary advertisement.

YouTube is the world's leading video platform. In the videos, they include two types of videos. The most common is the one of online advertising in the form of another video. It shows a video that can be skipped, or not, before starting with the new video. This video publicizes a product, usually an advertisement for the brand that is used as a video's introduction that the customer has wanted to see.

Online Advertising

The second modality includes an advertising banner that is overprinted on the video is currently playing. This small banner allows you to close it to enjoy the video without any interruption.

Here the customer watches the video that he wants to see directly, leaving aside the advertising that is an element that appears and disappears over time but without interrupting the video broadcasting itself.

Do you need support to start an online marketing campaign?

InAntevenio, we have an internal professional team that is in charge of managing your display advertising campaigns, program purchase (RTB), email marketing, search engine marketing, social networks and video advertising in real time. Antevenio is a Spanish company specialized in digital marketing founded in 1997, and it has more than 200 employees in 7 countries:

To request information about display ads with Rich Media

To request information on digital video advertising.

To request information on Advertising and RTB Program Purchase

What Are The Two Main Forms Of Online Advertising?


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